Monday 5 December 2011

Cheesy Christmas Cracker Jokes

Are Christmas adverts and the rush for late-night shopping taking away that all important festive fun? Nothing can get you in the Christmas mood better than some cheery cracker jokes. Here is a merry mixture of the top ten worst cracker jokes – just so you can have a double dose of delight before the big day!

1. Why would you invite a mushroom to a Christmas party?
He's a fun guy to be with.

2. How do snowmen get around?
They ride an icicle.

3. What's furry and minty?
A polo bear

4. Who hides in the bakery at Christmas?
A mince spy

5. What do you call a penguin in the Sahara desert?

6. Why was Santa’s little helper feeling depressed?
He had low elf-esteem

7. They say it wouldn’t be Christmas without M&S.

8. What's white and goes up?
A confused snowflake

9. What kind of paper likes music?
(W)rapping paper

And finally, the nation’s worst Christmas cracker joke –
10. What is Santa's favourite pizza?
One that's deep pan, crisp and even

Enjoy your festive season, wear those awkwardly placed gold hats and don’t forget to slip these into the family conversation at dinner on the 25th!