Friday, 20 March 2015

5 Ways to Beat Stress

Exams are coming up,  coursework deadlines are approaching and the mood around college is quickly becoming more stressed. Stress is inevitable at this time of year, but there are several ways to reduce the panic…

Write a list:
Knowing what you need to prioritise and what can wait until later can stop you feeling too overloaded at once. Break up large tasks into smaller ones you can manage in one go.

Go outside:
Being stuck inside for hours can make you feel like your entire life is consumed by work. If you have got 10 minutes to spare, get some fresh air to clean your mind.  (Obviously, if your deadline is 9am tomorrow,  make sure you do that first…)

Take a break:
Take regular breaks so the work doesn’t take over your life; just make sure you actually come back to the work at some point. Taking breaks  refreshes your mind and allows you to come back to it with a fresh viewpoint. 

Have a bath, watch low quality TV shows, just do whatever it is that will take your mind off of the stress and calm you down. You won’t be able to produce anything to a high standard if you are really stressed, so put your health first and relax…

Finally, remember that the stress won’t last forever and that it will all be worth it in the end!