Friday 4 October 2013

Why we can do anything we want if we say “we can”

Forget Westlife’s infamous “flying without wings”, it’s all about Jessica Cox flying without arms and why it inspires Freya Turner

We all have days where we tell ourselves we can’t do things. 25 year old Jessica Cox is an example of someone who goes literally above and beyond the word ‘can’t’. (You’ll get the reference in a bit)! Born without arms, she drives a car, plays the piano, has two black belts in Tae Kwon-Do, and oh yeah, flies planes. She is in fact the first woman in history to fly with her feet. How? One foot is on the controls, while the other is gently controlling the steering column. Not only can she master flying, she excels at it. Her flying instructor says how some pilots come nowhere close to her ability.

This really enlightened me. Although you may naturally feel disadvantaged to do as well as someone else, it is likely you will actually do better than them. Perhaps we should all stop worrying about what other people are doing. It is more than likely that that dreaded essay everybody else seems to have under control may in fact give you an A and your classmates a D!

Jessica believes that “through creativity and recognizing there is more than one way to do something... I figured it would be best to buckle the seatbelt first before sitting down.” It is unsurprising that Jessica is now known around the world as an inspirational speaker.

Although it may sound clichéd, I’m going to try to take a leaf out of Jessica’s book and try to tell myself I “can” on “can’t” days.