Friday 21 October 2011

Building Yard (Poem)

My life is strange and foolish.
I can’t trust myself.
I’m doing mistakes, mistakes, mistakes.
But now, I start to ignore your help.

You think I have all problems?
With me, the world, and them?
You have all ideas, ideas, ideas.
But why don’t you look at you?

Don’t help me with my building yard!
Please, look first on your own.
I don’t need your help with my building yard,
when your own is a sea of shards.

The inside of you is broken.
You can’t repair yourself,
even if I rent you all the pieces,
and hear your need for help…

I always try to aid you,
but you are just re-recording it.
You always say you feel alone,
but you forget my being here.

Don’t help me with my building yard!
Look first on your own.
I don’t need your help with my building yard,
when your own is a sea of shards.

Stop judging my mistakes,
stop judging my charade -
or I’ll start believing
that your farce is the biggest of them all!

I’m more confident than you,
you just make an excuse.
Too lazy and too fragile,
to rebuild your world.

Don’t help me with my building yard!
Please, look first on your own.
I don’t need your help with my building yard,
when your own is a sea of shards.

by Xenia Stieger